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Jeroen Vandeweghe

Tackle business issues with intuitive technology.


KBC Group NV

Jan 2015 - present

Operational Information Architect

In this role I envision the future evolution of the Group reporting platform. The vision is translated into guiding principles and applied to ongoing projects and programmes. With the business architects of the "customer domains" we provide steering, for which I organize and coordinate a weekly Architecture Board.

As representative of the Architecture Board I'm active in a number of steering committees and the single point of contact towards a.o. the Design Board, which provides steering for implementation related matters.

I'm involved in (the implementation of) new and changed products and their related business processes, where I coordinate within the Data Quality directorate and

KBC Group NV

Jan 2012 - Dec 2014

Project Leader

As Project Leader in the Group Risk directorate, I was responsible for coordinating and delivering multiple projects with a direct contribution to the risk calculations (Basel II / III, ALM, Liquidity (LCR, NFSR), ...) and risk and liquidity reporting for the KBC Group.
This entailed communication with the different Risk Measurement Expert Groups, negotiations with ICT, coordination with multiple business teams, follow-up during implementation, continuous budget control and effective change management to ensure the project results were well integrated with the standing organization.
The projects reported directly to the General Manager of Group Risk.

KBC Global Services NV (subsidiary of KBC Group NV)

Sep 2008 - Dec 2011

System administrator, functional analyst, lead analyst

During these three years, I was working in the ICT department servicing KBC's Group Risk directorate. In a rapid succession and with some overlap I was assigned the roles of system administrator, security admin, functional analyst and prestudy analyst. When a large programme was started up to coordinate investments in an overhaul of risk related systems, I was re-assigned from maintenance to projects, which gave me the opportunity to grow to the position of lead analyst in the project team.




What others said

Eveline Denecker, Process Manager at KBC Group NV, about me as a project leader:
It is a great pleasure to work with Jeroen. He is committed and motivated. All questions get well funded and accurate answers. He is willing to take initiative and persevere. I'm looking forward to collaborate more with Jeroen on issues / projects.

Eugene van Roessel, senior ICT Analyst at KBC Global Services NV, about me as an analist:
I know Jeroen as a driven colleague who takes initiative and makes sure the results will be applicable.


Universiteit Gent

July 2008

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) - formerly known as: burgerlijk ingenieur (ir.)

The master's degree boosted my skillset in the field of ict hardware and software. I used this time to specialise myself in software architecture and expert design, but took advantage of optional courses to broaden my knowledge of project management and business topics:

Universiteit Gent

July 2006

Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) - formerly known as: kandidaat burgerlijk ingenieur

The bachelor's degree lays the foundations of the future master engineer: starting with a sturdy base of mathematics, one adds layers of theoretical and practical physics and sprinkles some economics and ict on top. Keep the pressure on for three years, and the rest is chemistry.


Professional, extracurricular

Even when the job doesn't require me to get hands-on with code or set-up, I still pursue opportunities when I see them. In that spirit I have implemented the following tools at KBC outside my normal job description: